

Why is the Sky Blue?

The sky is blue. Why is that? This is a fact that is so natural that most of the time we do not question. Why is th...

People say “time is equal for everyone”, but scientifically this is not true.

Sky Tree, Tokyo Time can be variable. Compared to clocks on tall buildings, clocks on the ground go a little slower....

Gene Sequences Determine the Strength against Alcohol

Are your parents heavy drinkers? Whether you can hold your alcohol or not is determined by a couple of genes. Al...

The Reason We Get White Hair As We Grow Older

Babies do not have white hair, but they will get white hair gradually as they grow older, until their hair is compl...

Calico Cats Are All Females – You would be rich if you found a male calico cat!

When a cat has fur with three different colours, mostly white, black and orange, we call it a calico cat. Actually,...

The Mechanism Microwaves Heat Food

Do you know why microwaves heat food? Microwaves use electromagnetic waves to create frictional heat to warm foo...

We only know 96% of substance in the universe

Do you know that the "ordinary" substance that we think of when we imagine the word "substance" or "matter" is only...
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