The Mechanism Microwaves Heat Food

Do you know why microwaves heat food?

Microwaves use electromagnetic waves to create frictional heat to warm food. Frictional heat is the type of heat that is produced when you rub your palms together and create warmth.

In the case of microwave ovens, frictional heat is produced with a type of radio wave called microwaves. Apparently the word “microwave” comes from this.

Water is composed of tons of H20 molecules, and the way they heat food is that the water molecules in the food are “rubbed” by the “hands” of microwaves. A microwave vibrates 2.45 billion times per second, so this is the times in number that the water molecules are rubbed.

Since this is the way a microwave oven works, you cannot heat a substance that does not contain water with microwave ovens. Therefore, if you put a plate or cup without food in the microwave oven and try to heat it up, it will not get heated.

Lina  Writer/Translator
Writing articles and essays based on my experience working in medical and space exploration fields as well as literature and history major at Waseda University. Based in Tokyo.

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